Term Of Service

By using this site, you agree to these terms of use and conditions below.

  1. The content of each page of the NEWSROOMG20 website is for general information only and provided "as is".
  2. The information presented on NEWSROOMG20 is for reference only, and not expected for the purpose of stock trading, financial/business transactions, or other transactions. Although we have made every effort to display the data or information as accurately as possible, NEWSROOMG20 is not responsible for errors and delays in data/information or any losses arising from actions related to the use of the information and materials presented.
  3. NEWSROOMG20 is not responsible for the impact of the information and materials you use.
  4. This site contains material whose copyright and other rights are owned to Perum LKBN ANTARA, RRI, and TVRI as the first owner.
  5. You are not allowed to record, reproduce, publish, and distribute the material on the site incompletely or partially, whether in the form of text, images, photos, audio, video, and infographics in any way and/or through any media, except you have been registered as a media or institution that has been authorized as a registered user/subscriber.
  6. Every use of content must be approved by NEWSROOMG20 and may not be used for purposes that violate laws, norms, and human rights.

The terms and conditions of use can be changed at any time. It is recommended that you check this page periodically so you can be aware of any changes.

By continuing to use this site after any changes, you agree to the terms and conditions that have been changed by NEWSROOMG2

Latest updated: 1 March 2022